Some recent projects...
- Gambling/Hospitality & Leisure: Working with a Gibraltar/Gothenburg-based international lottery and gaming operator - AJT Associates provided an interim U.K. commercial director skill-set, with full responsibilities for market-entry planning and budget-setting, sales and distribution strategy development and H.Q. location planning... A full programme of national retail profiling and franchise-format development was undertaken, together with T.V. network partner selection and creative concept development... A direct sales-force structure and recruitment strategy was also delivered to time, cost and quality - linked to urban population densities - and supported by key trade launches...
- Public/3rd Sector: Working with this unique public sector/government-backed, not-for-profit, food-service provider/leisure retailer - AJT Associates provided the commercial planning lead, on the multi-functional project team supporting its market re-entry into the German foodservice/leisure-retailing sector... Deliverables included the management of a full market research programme; the format development and merchandising policy for a suite of new retail concepts - including menus/dish-spec costings/pricing/margin and supplier-sourcing strategies... Working alongside Ernst & Young and LEK Consultancy teams, with presentations and successful sign-off of strategy implementation by Group Board/MoD...
- High St./Retail: Working with this national 'blue-chip' grocer, AJT Associates was engaged reporting directly to the Group Board, for a review of a key non-food business-unit strategy... Responsibilities included the direction of a multi-functional project team to research, develop and roll-out new retail concept stores within 9 months... Additionally managing an extensive review of own-label supplier sourcing policy - including 'category partnership' renegotiations, value-chain engineering studies and cost-reduction programmes... Achieved an immediate +19% sales growth (worth +£78M p.a.) and secured an early roll-out of the new trading format... Outperformed ( with a team of 6 heads/over 9 months...) a pre-existing, in-house concept developed over the preceding 3 years, by a team of 30+ heads...
- B2B/Wholesaling: Worked within an international wholesaler/convenience store/CnC operator - with AJT Associates deployed to undertake a board Trading Director remit... Restructuring and cost-reducing the sales and marketing team, creating a newly re-based 3-year commercial plan, recruiting a new/up-skilled national accounts team, winning and retaining a total of £50M+ in B2B/food-service contracts...
More details on how our team can rapidly add to your organisation's skill-base, can be found at Our Capabilities and Who We Are.
Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...