Why AJT Associates?...
We deliver, not management theory or global 'consultancy-think' – but practical solutions, with tangible business benefits...
- We found £56M of cost savings, in just two aisles of Tesco Stores - With NO impact on customer sales...
- We grew one of J.Sainsburys key department's sales and revenues by +19% - With NO increase in overheads...
- We recently removed 20% of the cost-base of a Midlands-based retail network - With NO impact on customer satisfaction...
We worked unceasingly throughout the last recession (back in the early 1990's) right across the Midlands, helping businesses to re-plan their approaches to firstly survival - and then ultimately, prosperity - through focussing on true customer value...
We can also help you target cutting the right costs, whilst remaining focused on delivering customer 'advocacy' - maximizing your key customers' lifetime value, back into your organisation...
Remember: Long-term studies have shown time and again, that those businesses that stay close to their customers during a downturn (and focus on delivering their satisfaction throughout) then go on to outperform those businesses that waivered in that commitment - in the shorter term - when economic circumstances finally ease...
Answers ...and Action!
Can you answer the following key questions...? If not we can help you with answers – and then deliver some action!
With a tougher 'economic reality' facing us all now - how can you be sure that your immediate 'value driving' actions are not going to adversely affect customers' long-term satisfaction, and loyalty...?
- Whilst you may be achieving efficiencies right now - by cutting those internal and external overheads – is your business strategy aligned to profitably meeting customers' changing needs ? How do you monitor and mobilise your organisation, to meet this alignment...?
- Whilst it is relatively easy to 'take 20% of costs out' - have you recently checked which 20% adds the most – and the least value to your key customers? And is it possible to deliver this objective, in a more measured and efficient way...?
- Following this alignment – are you sure that your routes to market and sourcing strategies are moving as fast as both your customers, and your suppliers? Have you then applied world-leading rigour to your value-chain and category-efficiency analyses - of both your overall business and each of its key processes...?
Ways in which the AJT Associates 'Customer Alignment Scorecard' has already helped many businesses answer these questions - clearly and objectively - is detailed further at Our Approach and What We Deliver.
More details on how our team can then rapidly add to your organisation's skill-base - bringing an unflinching attention to objective analysis and detail - can be found at Our Capabilities and Our Values.
And a list of satisfied customers - together with details of some of our most recent commercial projects - can be found at Our Clients...
Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...