"...ajt associates ltd - customer alignment scorecard..."

3. Branding & Proposition Development

  • Do you have a compelling customer proposition?
  • Does the branding 'resonate' with your key target customers?
  • Is it both easy to understand; and does it have high awareness?
  • Are your brand claims 'careful' and fair - made after launch/not prior...!
  • Are your company's values recognized, and recalled? Do they appeal?
  • Does what 'you stand for' have clarity and precision - internally and externally?
  • Does your proposition have a high share of your customer's 'mind'?
  • Where does it sit in your customers' lives - as they are lived now...?
  • And also as they live their lives - evolving out into the future...?
  • Are your products 'worth having'/do they truly add value to your consumer?
  • Or are they truly defensible - in a business-to-business market environment...?
  • Is technology truly adding to this strategy?
  • Do you have true, lifetime 'customer-value' development strategies in place?

The AJT Associates core team has been working on blue-chip branding projects for over 25 years now - with a highly successful track record - backed by a range of award-winning new product and service offerings... These have been brought to markets as diverse as engineering/manufacturing; hospitality/food-service; the public/3rd sector; and high-street/financial services retailing...

We have researched, scoped, and directed the development to launch - of many new retail formats; manufactured products and service propositions... We have re-evaluated supplier bases; re-planned D.P.P./space-management strategies (- including plannogram/merchandising/line-density analyses..) - as well as tuning ongoing tactical price and promotion-participation programmes... We have re-evaluated and segmented estate strategies for over 20 years - extensively and repeatedly manipulating the key Acorn and Mosaic location-planning tools, for every one of the U.K.'s high street/retail centres - as well as conducting extensive multi-sector customer activity and market-dynamics analyses...

We have then re-mapped key customer service strategies - using I.T. enablers to 'change' straight-through processing in some of the most highly-regulated consumer markets... We have launched new dot-com concepts and joint-ventures - successfully ‘marrying’ established brands (with their traditional customer bases...) - to much faster-moving and 'critical mass-hungry' branded start-ups...

We have been singularly instrumental in leading some key U.K. grocers into the forefront of non-food retailing... And at the forefront of the financial services shift into ‘non-high street’ retailing, over the last 10 years... Whether you are a retailer, or manufacturer/supplier, or in public service - this principle of over-riding and unswerving attention to consumer-driven proposition development, and its resultant 'resonance' - will bring tangible benefits to your customer satisfaction, market share - and bottom-line...

Some recent AJT Associates projects...

More details on how our team can rapidly add to your organisation's skill-base, can be found at Our Capabilities and Who We Are.

And a list of satisfied customers - together with details of some of our most recent commercial projects - can be found at Our Clients...

Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...

...the value drivers

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