Our Associates Network...
Where we need to supplement the skills of our core team - to perhaps deliver additional, specific project outputs - we can rapidly call upon a close network of proven Associates... Each of whom we have worked with first-hand, to deliver business-critical commercial projects... Each of whom has tried and tested expertise, and a track record of delivery for many blue-chip household names... Areas of functional expertise and associated track-records include:–
- Category Management & Buying/Trading - 20+ years with blue-chip grocers; international experience incl. non-foods/telecoms...
- Financial & Management Accounting - 25+ years within a fully compliant/regulated global FS player, recently overseeing subsidiary start-ups...
- Business Planning - an independent partnership, comprising 20+ yrs corporate exposure to key board-level processes/programme management...
- H.R. & People Strategy - 20+ yrs senior line exposure, across a range of blue-chip household plcs, focussing on re-structuring and cultural alignment...
- I.T. - 10+ yrs experience, including successful on-line / web development launches; and offshore programming outsourcing...
- Risk & Compliance - 10+ yrs front-line experience, with an FS / FSA 'approved' skill-set; and 'clean' Arrow delivery...
- Lean Manufacturing - close links and first hand exposure over 4 years, working alongside senior members of the Lean Academy...
- Back-Office Operations/Call-centre Management - 20+ years first-hand, front-line management experience, within a closely regulated operational environment...
More details on how our team can rapidly add to your organisation's skill-base can be found at Our Capabilities.
And a list of satisfied customers - together with details of some of our most recent commercial projects - can be found at Our Clients...
Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...
...the value drivers
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