Cost Analysis...
Our firmly held belief is that the key to delivering sustainable, long-term commercial success - is to stay rigorously focused on two key fundamental business drivers... Firstly - the delivery of a satisfied and value-adding customer base, in the longer-term... And secondly, a continual focus on delivering that satisfaction - either at lower cost; or continually increasing that satisfaction, with no increase to your cost-base... Our customer focussed cost-analysis programmes are centred around our proven diagnostic tool - the 'Customer Alignment Scorecard' - which we have developed over many years... Adapting and tuning our data-bank, to meet the specific and dynamic needs of our clients, engaged across a wide range of industries and sectors...
The 'Customer Alignment Scorecard'...
The Customer Alignment Scorecard comprises 5 specific and discrete elements of analysis... Each element can be reviewed individually to meet an organisation's specific concerns, or they can be applied together as a holistic programme...
- People, Strategy & Communication Alignment
- Customer Orientation & Metrics
- Branding & Proposition Development
- Operational Efficiency & Supplier/Category Management
- Service Excellence & Customer Advocacy
Having completed the initial scorecarding review, we will produce a 'gap analysis', benchmarking your organisation against industry-specific, best-practice... This will enable you to identify those areas where you may benefit from further detailed analysis – driving out prioritized areas of potential cost and efficiency savings...
We can then work alongside your existing in-house management team, to implement some - or all - of these findings and commercial recommendations... Or, it may be that you would prefer for us to work alongside you on specific projects - or on a time bound consultancy basis...
We will however, at all times, be focussing on transferring our key skills - using our proven methodologies and templates... These include our 'key client' value-satisfaction audits (applicable within a B2B service or supply-chain environment); or our detailed 'customer journey- mapping' analysis - built upon a 15 year data-bank, generated right across the hospitality/grocery/and FS sectors (if you are operating within a retail or B2C environment)...
We can help you with category efficiency and 'imported-cost' analyses; or the brown-papering of 'service excellence' processes... Each programme is tailored to your own individual business model, and the key drivers of your specific operating sector... Our analysis of key customer data will always fundamentally guide the development, researching, drafting and implementation of any new strategies or protocols for your business... With each specifically identified 'value-driver', dictating our focus at all times...
Remember: Every AJT Associates project is honed to deliver change - where we can add more value to your customers, at NO cost; or maintain your customer value – whilst taking the right costs OUT...!
Further ways, in which AJT Associates have already helped many businesses implement the benefits of the 'Customer Alignment Scorecard' - is detailed at Our Clients.
Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...