Our Capabilities...
AJT Associates was first launched back in 2002, to serve a wide range of commercial clients engaged - internationally - across the full spectrum of industrial/manufacturing, retail/service and public/3rd sectors - from SMEs to multi-national plcs... Our experience to date, has included everything from planning the launch of a new gaming concept, for a Swedish-based media client; to a public sector food-service operational review, based in Germany...
With over 40+ yrs combined commercial experience, our two lead consultants have now worked together for over 5 years on a diverse range of key projects - including line management leadership of the following business-critical assignments:-
- Business planning/NPD/new market entry...
- M&A – due diligence; integration/cultural re-alignment...
- Turnaround/cost-base reduction...
- Supplier & category management/business 'partnership' development...
- 'Lean'/value chain & B.P.R. projects...
- Team recruitment/development, (and reduction)...
- Programme/project management - including key I.T. led 'change'...
So, although our approach always starts with cost control and customer analysis - be reassured that the specific needs of your own business can always be accommodated by our dynamic, flexible and highly experienced team...
Our Track Record...
A brief review of the breadth of our core teams' delivery capability is outlined here – with more details to be found at - "Who we Are". Further details on our extensive blue-chip client base, together with recent specific project deliverables, can also be found at - "Our Clients"
- High St./Retail - Delivery in senior commercial roles for each of the Top 3 UK Grocers (Tesco; Asda Wal*Mart and J.Sainsburys); C-store / Cash'n'Carry/Wholesaling exposure - within the SPAR network; critical commercial delivery within the FoodService sector - across both the UK and Europe, within both private blue-chip and public sector operators...
- Gambling/Hospitality & Leisure - Senior line management exposure to 3 Top Brewery/pub-restaurant operators (Whitbread; Scottish & Newcastle and Chef & Brewer); plus international gaming/on-line launches...
- Industrial/Manufacturing - 11+ years commercial experience within the U.K. engineering/automotive and D-I-Y manufacturing sectors; plus senior (100+ strong base) manufacturing supplier management, both in the Health & Beauty/Pharmacy and Beers/Wines & Spirits sectors...
- Public/3rd Sector - Commercial exposure to diverse, multi-stakeholder environments - including an international MoD tendering programme/private sector benchmarking; and local authority education teams' business planning...
- Media/B2B Marketing Services - Client satisfaction audits include - a London-based global ('household name'/above-the-line) agency - covering X19 blue-chip accounts, for group board Client Services Director...
- Financial Services - Senior board-level accountabilities within a Top 10 U.K. Building Society; including the successful launch - from scratch - of a new Independent IFA; and the successful and compliant divestment of an Offshore trading subsidiary...
Where we need to supplement this diverse and proven skill set - perhaps to meet your specific additional business demands - we can rapidly call upon our close network of proven Associates... Each of whom we have directly worked with, first-hand, to deliver many business-critical projects... Each of whom has tried and tested expertise, as well as a track record of delivery for many blue-chip household names... Areas of functional expertise that we can rapidly deploy include – I.T.; Risk & compliance; category management & buying/trading; financial & management accounting; business planning; H.R. & people strategy; back-office operational/call-centre management..
Ways in which the AJT Associates team have already helped many businesses, is detailed further at Our Approach and What We Deliver.
More details on how our team can rapidly add to your organisation’s skill-base, can be found at Who We Are.
And a list of satisfied customers - together with details of some of our most recent commercial projects - can be found at Our Clients...
Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...