Cost Analysis...
The core of our rigorous analytical focus on reducing your 'cost to serve' is the 'Customer Alignment Scorecard'... We have broken this down into five specific and discrete elements of analysis... These can be applied separately to meet your own specific concerns, or together as a holistic programme for a 'total business' benchmarking diagnostic...
Within each area of analysis, the AJT Associates team will work alongside your senior team, firstly to identify areas of commercial internal best-practice, and then externally benchmark your key processes and outcomes - against both sector-specific and world-class operations... Each with the aim of delivering actionable programmes of development, specifically focused upon transforming your trading performance...
We will provide, not only industry and world-class templates and working methodologies, to guide those analyses... But also - as required - we will work alongside your in-house team, to get the resultant outputs and actions rapidly implemented and embedded, within the business going forward...
'Pace, Detail and Implementation' - will be our visible, and constantly apparent drivers throughout the engagement...
Remember – Our payback to one key grocer was equivalent to a 1,000X fold return on investment, delivered to the bottom-line within just one year's trading...
Customer Alignment Scorecard...
The following pages detail the key areas of commercial analysis that 'Customer Alignment Scorecard' will cover... Building to develop a holistic and comprehensive commercial benchmark and trading review... Answering the key business-critical questions, which many world-class customer- and cost-led businesses unswervingly focus their efforts in answering... Year-In, Year-Out... Recessionary, or Expansionary economic environment notwithstanding...
- People, Strategy & Communication Alignment
- Customer Orientation & Metrics
- Branding & Proposition Development
- Operational Efficiency & Supplier/Category Management
- Service Excellence & Customer Advocacy
Remember – "If you don't love your customers; somebody else will..."
Ways in which AJT Associates have already helped many businesses, is detailed further at Our Approach and What We Deliver.
More details on how our team can rapidly add to your organisation's skill-base, can be found at Our Capabilities and Who We Are.
And a list of satisfied customers - together with details of some of our most recent commercial projects - can be found at Our Clients...
Call us now on 07974-201605 for more information...